How to enable two-step verification (2FA) for Dropbox

How to enable two-step verification (2FA) for Dropbox

Aries Ikel picture by Aries Ikel·Updated 04 Jul 2024·5 minutes to read


Download Authenticator App

  • Before we start, download Dropbox Authenticator App.

    iOS Apple App Badge


Locate 2FA Settings

  • When logged into your Dropbox account, click on your account icon at the top right of the screen. Then, from the drop-down menu click on Settings.

    Locate 2FA Settings


  • Under the Security section click the toggle switch to turn on Two-step verification.


Get started

  • Click on Get started.

    Get started

Enable two-step verification

  • Select Use a mobile app and press on Next.

    Enable two-step verification

QR Code

  • A pop-up window will appear for you to scan the QR Code with Authenticator App. Keep this window open as you reach for your phone.
    Note: Do not scan the demo image shown below.

    QR Code

Capture QR Code

  • Open Authenticator App and at the bottom of the screen, tap the plus button add Item and hold your device up to the computer screen to scan the QR code. If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can import the QR code in Authenticator from Files, tap the plus sign in Authenticator and choose Files and follow the instructions.

    Capture QR Code

Two-Factor Authentication Code (2FA)

  • After successfully scanning the QR Code, Authenticator App will automatically choose the Dropbox logo and autofill account name and secret key. If you want you can change the icon or the account name. Press on Save when ready.

    Two-Factor Authentication Code (2FA)

Verify Your Code

  • Copy the numerical code provided from Authenticator App and confirm it on the Dropbox website and then click Next. Note that this code refreshes every 30 seconds.

    Verify Your Code

Backup Phone Number (Optional)

  • You can use a phone number for the backup option, or you can skip this action. When done, press on Next.

    Backup Phone Number (Optional)

Save your Backup Codes!

  • Your Dropbox account is now protected with an extra layer of security. You can copy the backup codes into Authenticator or save them in the photo gallery, no matter where you gonna save them, the most important is to store the backup codes in a safe place. Press on Next when ready.

    Save your Backup Codes!


  • You have successfully enabled two-step verification for your Dropbox account, from now on, you will need to use the Authenticator App when you log in.


You're all set! You've enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your Dropbox account. To learn more, visit the Dropbox support page. Stay safe!

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